lørdag 22. november 2008

Future calendar

Good morning friends and family!

After a long and busy week at school I deserved some freetime without homework, so Shelbi took me to go and see Twilight. Every girl in the hole nation here is crazy about the books. It's kinda Harry Potter style, only for girls, and it's about Vampire stuff. I've read 40 pages of the book, (you know me, would rather use time watching an episode of one tree hill for the hundredth time instead of reading a book with 600 pages, hehe) so I thought the movie was going to be boring.. BUT, it wasn't! a lot of "we can't be together love, but we still are cause we belong together, blabla" and WHO cannot like that? especially not me :)

Im a big listmaker, so here's a "look forward to calendar". Sometimes it can be good to have one whenever you're missing the one's you love.

  1. Sun, November 23rd - Going to Missouri for a daytrip
  2. Wed, November 26th-30th - Thanksgiving, off from school for 5 days!
  3. Mon, December 1st - Countdown to Christmas
  4. Thur, December 4th -Christmas concert
  5. Sun, December 6th - Christmas banquet for Scandinavian students
  6. Sun, December 21st - Mom's coming!!
  7. Wed, December 24th - Christmas eve
  8. Thur, December 25th - Christmas day
  9. Wed, December 31st - New years eve
  10. Fri, February 13th - Lene-Mari is coming!!
  11. Wed, Frebruary 25th - Hawaii
  12. Thur, March 12th - Maybe choirtrip to Nashville, Tennessee
  13. Mon, March 16th -Spring break!
  14. Sat, May 9th - Prom
  15. Sat, May 16th - Mom and Grandma is coming!
  16. Wed, May 20th - Graduation day

yes sir, the agenda for today is homework, cause I don't have time tomorrow. Tonight I'll probably hang out with the buddies.

Take care,


1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Hallo Mariell.

Oda og Fredrik hilser masse til deg :-) Ha en fin uke.

Klem fra TNina