fredag 14. november 2008

The Coldplay concert

I have no words, nothing to say expect from one word; brilliant :)

Pictures from the great evening:
Girlie's on their way to eat Italian food
I had a good tomato salad with lots of mozarella! that reminded me of Siri and Berit, hihi

Concert pics;

Opening song; Lovers in Japan.
Do you know the feeling when you get a sudden rush from your stomach, and you have to grab someone's hand to make sure that you're actually there, in that specific moment? A moment that you could never believe would actually occur. Your eyes become teary without even noticing it, and when the moment is over you have to stop and think and ask yourself of what just happened..(?) You want to relive the moment, but you can't. You're just hoping strongly that another one will arrive soon again.
The Scientist
Apparently they'd planed to move from the stage and into the audience, so as you can see, Shelbi and I were the lucky one's!

Viva la vida
Extra number; Yellow
Goose bumbs during the hole show, especially during Green eyes and Fix you. Yes dang it, this is how life is suppose to be.
You know I love you so,

4 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Tomatsalat, nam!:) Høres ut som en fantastisk opplevelse, heldige jenter!! Mange klemmer fra Siri <3 :)

Mams:-) sa...

kjempeflott konsert du har vært på der vennen min:)..hilser masse fra bestemor, hun synes det var sååå stas å se deg på cam igår:))
Nå venter vi på BesteOdd slik at vi får kommoden på plass:)...flotte bilder av deg og jentene. Snakkes i morgen skatten min!

Elsker deg!

Stor klem fra mams:)

Anonym sa...

Hei Mariell.

Dette var vel noe annet enn The Osmonds tenker jeg ;-)

Ha en kjempe fin uke :-)

Stoooor klem TNina

Anonym sa...

Hei ja der kunne til og med gamletante vært med stor klms B