onsdag 1. oktober 2008

Today and future plans

My school day today went nicely. I had photography and that's always fun, a bit challenging though. I was picked out to be in the yearbook for fashion - or Europian fashion. They had to take pictures of my flip flop shoes so I told them to photoshop my toes haha. And hey, I've found my homecoming dress, but the shoes remain. My choir concert is on monday, so I'm definitely taking pictures of that day.

Hmm there's a lot of things going on right now, I'm mean, we're already in october! Only two more weeks now and I've been here for 3 months, amazing! Another thing, I'm going to take my driver's license if it's possible, so excited!! And another thing to look forward to is my Hawaii trip, it's all set, I'm leaving 25th of February to stay there for 8 days.

I really can't wait to my mom and grandma is coming over for graduation, May 16th. it's going to be the best ending of my year in The U.S

Well, we're gonna eat mexican food now - Garry have been cooking all day while he's been listening to Amy Winehouse, hahah he really is something.

Talk to you soon,