onsdag 8. oktober 2008

Shawnee Mission East; fall concert

My first choir concert is over. This year is all about new experiences and this is definitely a new one, can't say that my choir experience through 2nd to 4th grade counts compared to this, heh.

lil' sis and I before the concert
Luckely I found a decent skirt for the occasion when I went shopping with Anna.
a bit blurred, but oh well. at least you can see that it's turning to fall here, we still wear flip flops though - weird combination.

Katie Fay and I excited before the performance! I must confess; I squeezed her hand pretty tight when we were singing. It was a bit overwhelming yeah; the sound of a choir with 125 students and nearly 600 parents starring and watching you. Oh Jessy - a girl in the choir fainted three times during the concert, drama drama! But other than that everything went smoothly. I had so much fun! The choir that im in is like one of the best high school choirs in the country.(Gloria taped the hole thing so don't worry my beloved family.)

oooo and guess what? I found a videotape on youtube of this years boys soccer team! It's from several games that I've been to and since I now know some of the guys it's especially fun to watch; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzfPPDZ7OcM The coach is Mr.Kelly - my math teacher. (He's sitting in my math classroom) In the middle of the tape there's a bunch of people running on the field, im there somewhere in the crowd, haha. This was a bit off topic but I just had to share it with the one's that interested to see a little bit from my school and their spirit.

During seminar today we watched the nominated students for homecoming walk around the gym, they all looked so handsome and cute! I noticed that our big rival is the ravens (so freakin cool) cause we have signs of our rivals in the gym. We're off from school on friday, so I'll send adr for people who needs it. Oh, Im invited to this really fancy and formal dinner on friday. My friend, Jennifer, her dad is the ambassador of Taiwan here in kansas, so he's hosting a big dinnerparty cause it's Taiwan's national day.

It's time to go back to math. I totally forgot that I had math homework due for tomorrow in addition to my math test, english test aaaand spanish homework (and yes this is all due for tomorrow). Studdying for my life here, heh.

I'll catch up later,

1 kommentar:

Mams:-) sa...

så flott du skriver Mariell:) du er blitt utrolig flink i amerikansk - kjempebra!!Også så artig lesing..ja, du kan tro jeg gleder meg til å se den videon som Gloria har fra konserten..kan tenke meg at det var en helt spesiell opplevelse for deg...du var kjempefin i "koruniformen"...ja, noe annet enn tiden i Rødtvet sangkor gitt..selv om du var nu veldig søøøt da åh..:)

Elsker deg jenta mi!
Stoor klm Mams:)