fredag 19. september 2008

My homecoming date

hahah I have something funny to tell! okay,later this week Drew asked me what language I usually speak, I thought to myself hmm that's weird, he should know that, but anyways. I was doing my geometry today, suddenly Kinsey called. She asked me what I was doing so I told her that I was home doing my math homework. We just talked for a couple minutes and then 30 minutes later she called again. she said: "Mariell, I think you should go outside and check your door." I freaked out, cuz I was sitting in my pyjamas pants and shirt, litterally looking like a troll. But Sleepy as I was I ran outside to check. And this was what I saw:

isn't it cuuuuuuuuute?? I called the number and it was Drew, hahah and surely I said yes! I was laughing so hard when I read "hjemkomsten". The thing that remains now is to find a dress and a pair of new shoes. woho, im excited! Hahh you should've seen Garry's face when I told him, he was so sceptical but when I showed him the picture of the flowers and poster he had to admit that Drew scored some points there, haha.

Well, the agenda for the evening is to attend the first homegame here.
Okay okay, just had to share this with you guys, I'll update more later.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

ÅÅÅÅÅ!!! så gøy!! minner meg om laguna dette her, så søtt!! :D vi snakkes vel i morgen, mange klemmer!!

Anonym sa...

Så søtt. hahaha, så morsomt. Kos deg videre Mariell :) Klem<3