Friday before the rehearsal dinner -Shelbi and I, ready for shopping! I ended up buying way to much make-up, but it's so cheap here compared to Norway.
Pictures from the rehearsal dinner. We ate mexican food, mm. Gloria decided that we all should load up for the big wedding so we went to see mamma mia (again!!) We were a big bunch of women, haha age from 16 to 70. We had a blast.
wedding time.
The moms of the bride and bridegroom
The ring carrier, so cute!!
"I do"
Family Bass, dancing their country dance, kind of hehe. I'll tell you, Garry got mooves!! He even got me dancing with him, that was fun! He is a interesting guy with a really bad sense of British humour, haha.
Isn't she lovely!
You can probably tell by the pictures that I had a nice weekend. My stupid string in my mouth, the one I've got behind my teeth was suddenly loose! So we had to hurry to the dentist in Colorado (ask me if I was scared, heh) But it went fine, the string is back on place, cero problemo! Other than that I've been busy with school stuff. I got my first quarter grade "diploma", two B's and rest of them A's (it's really easy to get good grades here) It's only one month til homecoming, Kinsey told me today that she knows who's gonna ask me for prom. My first official date! haha It's like im back to the old days - but it's kind of cute though.
well, time to finish up - I have some geometry to do.
My thoughts are always with you, Love
3 kommentarer:
så fine bilder! :D gøy å høre at du koste deg i helgen! og selvfølgelig er ikke karakterer noen problem, jenta mi er kjempe flink! :)
hoho gleder meg til å høre hvem denne beundreren er altså! hihi, det kan vel bli morsomt?
tenker på deg hver dag, og jeg elsker deg :)
Så fine bilder marrikarri!! Jeg tror daten din blir han vi pratet om forrige gang;) hehe.. gleder meg til å høre om hvordan det går!! hjemme er det kaldt, blæææææ... missu!!
elsker deg bombon!
Så fint å se at du hadde en flott helg i Denver, du var så fin i kjolen din og en artig opplevelse å ta med seg å få være gjest i et amerikansk bryllupp!
Grattis med fine karakterer!! Meget god start på skoleåret der, så du skal se at du klarer dette året supert! Er kjempestolt av deg jenta mi!
Snakkes på torsdag!
Elsker deg..klem mamsen din:-)
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