fredag 6. mars 2009

Im ready to go right now

yep, so ready to go back to Hawaii. It was so depressing to come back to Kansas - no ocean or no beach. I meet 36 amazing students, which also made it really hard to leave. But gosh, I saw some fantastic things there, Pearl harbor was one of em. I went surfing and snorkling, hiked up Diamond Hill etc. The pictures will explain better. I miss it so much and I would give anything to go back.
Taken from the first day, this is where we snorkled
Aurora, Line, Maria and me! All Norwegians haha
Later on the same day we took surfing lessons! I thought it would be really hard but I managed to stand up on the board a couple times
We hiked up Diamond Hill, and here's the amazing view!
we made it!
Iris, Maria, Henrik and I in the catamaran boat
One evening we went to eat dinner at waikiki beach and to watch the gorgeous sunset
Same night we watched the fireworks at the same beach. Iris, Aurora, Line, Me and Maria :)
Line, Aurora and I outside of the Dole Plantation
We went to see Pearl Harbor, which was really amazing
I bought a identical newspaper from the same day as the attack on Pearl Harbor. We were really lucky cause we got the chance to meet this man, Everett Hyland , who's a survivior from the attack. I also got my newspaper sign by him, really cool! :)
This is from the last night actually. We went to watch this Hawaiian "show" and to try the Hawaiian food. haha and here you see Henrik, me and Gabriel.
From the performance
You can obviously see that I had a great time, I didnt want to go back at all.
But hey, it's springbreak now from friday and all through next week, sweeet! And it's only less than three months until I see you guys again. I'm kidnapping my sister to go back with me to Oslo for a month, Im sooo excited gosh!!!
I'm leaving to go to Springfield (Missouri) on Saturday, and I'll be back on monday probably, so I'll update then.
Love you guys,

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

heia vennen min - kjempe flotte bilder - skjønner godt at det var en overgang å komme tilbake til kansas. dersom det kan være en trøst, har jeg og resten av gjengen her nedtelling til du kommer hjem ;-)og hvem vet kanskje vi kan ta oss en tur til hawaii sammen. det hadde vært gøy det - blir jo så fristet når jeg ser hvor fint du har hatt det :-) kjempe bra mariell. takk for at du la ut alt dette. var jo så spent på å se og høre hvordan du har hatt det :-)
stor hilsen din vei :-) og
mgid vet du :-)
god klem fra tnina

Mams:-) sa...

Hei jenta mi:) nyyydelige bilder fra paradiset ditt..ja, du har hatt en flott tur-ingen tvil om det! Og skjønner at du gjerne skulle vært der lengre..ei uke er jo kort tid på et sååå flott sted. Ikke lenge til vi sees nu..går og venter hver dag på nytt ang hjemreisen din.

Kos deg i Missouri! Gleder meg til å høre stemmen din i telefonen..stor klm fra mamsen din

Anonym sa...

Hei Mariell, så flotte bilder. Kan godt forså at du savner sjøen nå som du er tilbake i innlandet Kansas. Men om ikke lenge så er du tilbake "in the old country" og her har vi sjø i det minste, kanskje ikke så eksotisk som dog flott på varme dager--. Så gled deg til det du, og nyt den siste tiden i Uniten
Tenker masse på deg, take care klms tBente