My first shooting round! Not bad huh?
But yea, I went shooting on monday! It was a lot of fun!! Garry took us to the shooting range and he brought with him his guns. It dosen't look very painful on the TV screen and it looks like you can rescue anyone if youre just fast enough to run and push the person away from the bullet. Things are certainly not like how it is on TV! Dang, it goes so fast and its so loud.
Very focused
Garry teaching Gloria
I tried several guns and I especially liked a really big machine gun (kind of), it was completely black and when I looked through it to point where I wanted to shoot, it was a red dot there so it was easier to shoot and point the gun. Notice the good wheater also! It's been up to 80 this week (30 celsius), not bad at all.
I'll talk to you soon with more pics etc.
Lots of love,
2 kommentarer:
wææ, det så skummelt ut! møtte mamsen din i dag, det var veldig kos! Nå venter jeg bare på å få deg hjem mor :) savner deg!!!
Hahah.. så kult!! Det vil jeg også prøve en gang!! Snart er det ikke lenge til jeg ser deg, tenk på det du!! Savner deg!! Big love :)
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