tirsdag 24. februar 2009

Goodbye Kansas City, Aloha Honolulu

Wohooo, I have butterflies in my stomach now! :) I'm almost done packing so I just have to straighten my hair soon, and then go to bed. Im gonna take a real update when I get back with pictures and so on.

I'm flying all alone from Kansas City to Denver, and then from Denver to Honolulu, seven hours total, so wish me luck!! Im not bringing my laptop, but if you want to text me I have my cellphone with me, just in case.

Well thats it I think, oh hey I can't believe that Im gonna see my lovely Line in just 24 hours, awesome!!

Okay, goodbye people,
I Love you,

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

God tur vakre skapning!! Stor og varm klem fra meg Chi-Chi :D