Isn't my mom a cutie? :)
I am counting down for christmas, even though it's my first thanksgiving now. But i couldn't help getting the christmas spirit when my mom sent me this in the mail, thank you so much!
We're gonna eat turkey tomorrow, cause Garry is working today, and on saturday we'er going over to Shelbi's aunt in Missouri to eat more turkey! oh yeah this is a food holiday for sure.
My first free day off went to eating risengrynsgrot! yummiiii! An American girl named Elsebeth has been in Norway as an exchangestudent, so she showed me a German and Scandinavian store here where we can buy porrigde and a lots of other Norwegian stuff! I still have some leftovers for lunch today, muy bien. I also went to oakpark mall yesterday, looking for christmas presents, but I ended up buying some stuff to myself, hehe.
documenting after my first buy of a pair of levis jeans
Me before a so called "date" with John. Take a close look at my scarf, my beatiful girlfriend gave it to me :)
Im gonna update soon agian with thanksgiving pics.
Hugs and kisses,