søndag 28. september 2008

New updates

Sorry for not updating! I've had so much homework to do and a bunch of other stuff going on. But it's finally weekend, or it's soon over, but I feel better and not so stressed anymore.
A quick summary before I leave to go to Lauren's children birthday party, Shelbi and I are gonna help out.

Super exhausted, but there's always some energy left to watch Lancers soccer game! We went over to Lucy's house after the game with Meg, Jojo, Harper, John etc. I totally forgot to take pictures, it was kind of sad cause I wanted to show you the group I usually hang out with. But it will come more opportunities to show you later. The same day, Shelbi and I took pictures while we made breakfast:
Very tired as you can see, heh

Shopping for homecoming dress with Shelbi, Madelen and Sanna (foreign exchange student from Holland). I found one but I'm not completly sure so I have to wait a little bit. I ended up buying new underwear, a skarf, cardigan and a grey dress. I can't believe that I still can wear dress and flip flops outside and not being cold!
Madelen driving and Shelbi in the front!
Sanna and I in the caar

At Panera's
Time to go!!
I love you,

fredag 19. september 2008

My homecoming date

hahah I have something funny to tell! okay,later this week Drew asked me what language I usually speak, I thought to myself hmm that's weird, he should know that, but anyways. I was doing my geometry today, suddenly Kinsey called. She asked me what I was doing so I told her that I was home doing my math homework. We just talked for a couple minutes and then 30 minutes later she called again. she said: "Mariell, I think you should go outside and check your door." I freaked out, cuz I was sitting in my pyjamas pants and shirt, litterally looking like a troll. But Sleepy as I was I ran outside to check. And this was what I saw:

isn't it cuuuuuuuuute?? I called the number and it was Drew, hahah and surely I said yes! I was laughing so hard when I read "hjemkomsten". The thing that remains now is to find a dress and a pair of new shoes. woho, im excited! Hahh you should've seen Garry's face when I told him, he was so sceptical but when I showed him the picture of the flowers and poster he had to admit that Drew scored some points there, haha.

Well, the agenda for the evening is to attend the first homegame here.
Okay okay, just had to share this with you guys, I'll update more later.

mandag 15. september 2008

The heart of life is good

Feelin' the loove spirit from the weekend! The wedding was fuun - a short ceremony and a long dinner. It was a nice experience to finally go to a typical wedding, and it made me even more excited for my own one day in the future. Enjoy the pictures.

Friday before the rehearsal dinner -Shelbi and I, ready for shopping! I ended up buying way to much make-up, but it's so cheap here compared to Norway.

Pictures from the rehearsal dinner. We ate mexican food, mm. Gloria decided that we all should load up for the big wedding so we went to see mamma mia (again!!) We were a big bunch of women, haha age from 16 to 70. We had a blast.

wedding time.

The moms of the bride and bridegroom

The ring carrier, so cute!!

"I do"

Family Bass, dancing their country dance, kind of hehe. I'll tell you, Garry got mooves!! He even got me dancing with him, that was fun! He is a interesting guy with a really bad sense of British humour, haha.

Isn't she lovely!

You can probably tell by the pictures that I had a nice weekend. My stupid string in my mouth, the one I've got behind my teeth was suddenly loose! So we had to hurry to the dentist in Colorado (ask me if I was scared, heh) But it went fine, the string is back on place, cero problemo! Other than that I've been busy with school stuff. I got my first quarter grade "diploma", two B's and rest of them A's (it's really easy to get good grades here) It's only one month til homecoming, Kinsey told me today that she knows who's gonna ask me for prom. My first official date! haha It's like im back to the old days - but it's kind of cute though.

well, time to finish up - I have some geometry to do.
My thoughts are always with you, Love

onsdag 10. september 2008

Denver, Colorado

I just wanted to say that im heading over to denver tomorrow right after school! a nine hours long drive, I'll try to make the time fly by listening to music and watch some movies in the car. Hopefully I won't get sick, hehe.

I'll catch up with you on monday to post pictures from the wedding, I hope it's gonna be fun!


søndag 7. september 2008

Greek Festival

I just got home from the Greek festival (a really nice break from my stupid american history test) here you have the pictures:

gyros and chicken souvlaki

Tomorrow's birthday giirl! (besides Sollie)
Sundae Baklava ice cream, mm yummi
Greek guys and girls (in the backround) performing greek dance.
Time to study some more.

lørdag 6. september 2008

My senior picture

This is how my senior picture turned out:

Garry had a good time playing with my picture, he thought it was hilarious! This is how I looked like before I got my braces, haha!! just like a little rabbit
Well, here's the real one:

As you can see I need to order the picture so I don't look like a thief or something. I was given the chance to choose one picture out of ten and dang, I looked exactly the same on every picture, haha so typical.
The picture thing wasn't the only joke Garry had in mind. While we all were eating dinner, we talked about music, I think.. and somehow we started to talk about the Coldplay concert. And I said (of course) that it was about time to order the tickets. Garry replied and said, but oh Mariell the tickets is already sold out, I checked yesterday. I felt so disapointed. I ran to the computer to check for sure while Garry was babling in the backround that we maybe could buy them from someone else and blabla. Then Gloria suddenly pulled up a envelope and gave it to me. You can all guess what was inside of it: THE TICKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETS! wohooooooooooooo.

Haha I look like a 5 year old kid now, waiting for christmas. im so excited!!
Okay, enough exitement. It's time to grab some more smootie and watch a cinderella story, it's on now.

fredag 5. september 2008

Home from school

I have a bad cold and I didn't sleep very well, so I decided to be home from school today. And that works fine by me!

I've had so much to do this week! I've had four tests; spanish, english, math and american history! I didn't take the amer. history test cuz it's today. But I can make it up later I guess. My weekend so far looks very good. I'm just gonna relax today so I hopefully can feel better very soon. I need to run some errands tomorrow morning, and then im going over to Kinsey's house to spend the night there, looking forward to that! Finally a break from school and homework. Sunday is my greek day! I'm gonna make Moussaka (with som help from my mom through the recipes that she has written for me, wee)

I've decided to take a lot of pictures this weekend so I can post it here and show you guys. But for now I got this cute picture of Shelbi and I;

I can't wait to see you again, Fredrik!
Lots of love and kisses,