I took my senior pic for the yearbook today! All girls have to wear a black top and guys have to wear a suit. fancy stuff!!! I dont know how my picture turned out. so I just have to wait and see when I get them in the mail. Luckely, I can choose which one I want. I hope that it didn't turned out like my id school card! gosh, that was horrible. By the way, I switched my girls choir class to the choraliers choir! It's much more bigger and contains only juniors and seniors - boys and girls. That's gonna be fun I think! (they were actually going to Norway for their choir trip, it didn't happen though. But anyways - they think that Norway is like the choir country of all times! So they probably think that im like a choir pro, common!! I hardly know the difference between sopranos 1,2 and alto! haha)
Kinsey is coming over later today to pick me up, im gonna hang out with her and her friends, I hope that they're nice, but they probably are - cause Kinsey is such a sweet girl.
Tomorrow's my homework day and then its school again! I have softball on monday and I kind of suck! but its my last day so that's good. Next up is soccer! Finally something I know.
Me, Shelbi, Carly, Audrey and Lauren! (and yes, the two boats that you see - is all sushi!!)
Talk to you later,
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