torsdag 28. august 2008


Nothing's changed, you still need to do your homework no matter what country you're from. This is my first day without homework. I had two tests today, math and english! I hope I got a B on both, but we'll see. If I get a C it's still jeackpot though, haha. School here is really hard! So I need to step it up! But im kind of used to the language now, so I hope im gonna do fine. By the way, I got full score on my spanish test! The spanish level here is so low compared to Norway. Anyways, Choir is going so well! Im really excited for our concerts. But on the other hand, team games is not going well; I thought that we were finished with softball by this week, oh noo we're gonna have it next week as well! and after that we're gonna have American Football!! It's like im doomed to fail this class, yeye at least there's some cute boys, hehe.

My hostmom's sister and her kids is coming over for the weekend! We're gonna do some shopping! Shelbi and I are planning on to go to the tanningsalon. Sunday is the Renessance festival, Im not sure what it is but im gonna take pictures and update you guys when I've been there. It should be fun! And hey, if you wanna know some facts and see some pics of my choir check this out:
I finally took the time to take some pics of my new house and neighbourhood.

The house, it's cute!

a small part of Leawood, my neighbourhood. The British flag has been stolen for eighteen times! (Garry, my hostdad is from England)

oooh there's so many things I need to buy!! I must buy some id makeup and a homecoming dress! and the new album to T.I. - paper trail, for sure!! ok ok, Im gonna download Itunes now, and then im gonna put the rest of my pictures of family and friends on the wall above my bed, wee.

Lots of looove,

PS. Labor day is the day ya'll! season premiere on One tree hill aaaand gossip girl, can't wait! hihi

1 kommentar:

Mams:-) sa...

Så flott et kor du er med i! Dette blir gøy! Håper det blir en tur til Chicago med koret.

Kos deg i helgen..som nok byr på nye opplevelser for deg! Ha en fin Labour day! Snakkes på msn og tlf!

Stooor klm Mams:-)