How it turned out, not a big change just way more fresher.
"Missing someone gets easier every day because even though it's one day further from the last time you saw each other, it's one day closer to the next time you will."
Yesterday I went to go and see my American counsellor, we picked classes and talked about the school. My favorite class is of course choir! (and clothing, photography and team games) im so excited about my classes, I certainly got to pick something that I like and also subjects where im able to make friends. I hope that my Norwegian counsellor approves it. We ordered my yearbook and my graduation gown. My graduation is in May ( im sooo counting down the days). Later that day I also got the chance to walk around at the school building. I made friends with two junior girls and one senior guy, so they showed me around. The guy looked like a typical American football player. So when he told me that he was in the choir I thaught to myself; common!! he must be joking. But he wasen't. Apparently, choir is a big thing here at the school, so good for me.
Garry took me to this laptop store on Sunday. And I finally got my longing laptop! and it's reeeeeeeeed!! (Totally Serena and Cassie, hihi) It's the best birthday present ever ( Thank you mom and the rest of the family)