søndag 26. april 2009

The invisible children

Saturday afternoon Gloria, Shelbi, Lauren and I went to a park to support the effort that's being made for the invisible children in Uganda. Shelbi is really involved in this so we all decided to go with her and demonstrate. We were supposed to spend the night there and watch Switchfoot play but the tornado alarm in Kansas City went off so we had to go home. But everything is fine, no tornado's just some thunder and lightning. The last time when the tornado alarm went off was when my mom was here during christmas, and we all had to go down in the basement in the middle of the night. We were lucky, no tornado that night either. But enough drama, here's some pictures instead :)

She's absolutely a doll

People camping

People singing, talking and sharing poetry out loud.
36 days,

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...


en liten kveldshilsen fra din tante nina her :-)
alt er bra, barna sover og jeg skal snart gå se på desperate housewives. savner deg masse. er innom siden din hver eneste uke ;-) flott å se at du er med på å støtte opp om en god sak. ha det fint så lenge.
mange klemmer din vei :-)
