mandag 11. mai 2009

Senior Prom

Finally right? haha im so sorry I havent updated for a while but there hasnt been any time really. Prom was this weekend, and it was awesome! The location was beautiful and for once it was not at the school gym. Everyone looked beautiful and I felt like a princess for a day :) Garry was the awesome photographer, he took some great shots! Enjoy :)
I look like a professional, but believe me I do not know how to put that thing on
Jonathan and I! :)
Dani sweetie!
Dani and Maik, German exchangestudent
The whole group (from left; Jonathan, Shane, Scott, Joe, Maik, Ben and Taylor. The girls; me, Annie, Amanda, Jessie, Dani, Evie and Lindsay)
The guys
Well, prom is over, next up is graduation! :) super excited cause my mom will be here then! See you in three weeks,

4 kommentarer:

Line L sa...

Looking gorgeous Mel!

Mams:-) sa...

Åhh så nyyyyydeeelig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sees på søndag jenta mi:)) nå har jeg skikkelig reisefeber!!

Lykke til med siste innspurten på skolen.

Elsker deg. stooor klem fra Mams:)

Siri sa...

Marrikarri! Sykt fine bilder:) gleder meg til du kommer, det blir nice :)

Anonym sa...

Hei, så nydelig fin du var Mariell.
Gleder meg veldig til og se ditt blide åsyn igjen. Har nedtelling. Stor klem tB