I had a math test today, it went fine even though I didn't practise a whole lot, that's a first. I have a spanish test tomorrow so I'm practising for it now, but it's not going too well cause I know that I have seminar tomorrow so I can just practise then. hmm, anything else exciting that's been going on lately? oh yeah, I watched the new season of 24 with Scott yesterday! One of my favorite shows for sure. Chuck, my American Rep. is coming over tomorrow to "check" on me, just to make sure that everything is alright! but before that - I'm gonna call my mom, so that's basically the plan for tomorrow. Then on friday, FRIDAAAAY, sorry I just love fridays... anyways, I'm going to Dani's and then to the basketball game at East, my school. It's like the biggest game ever, people get in line right after school to get a good seat for the game, it's insane..
like em? the heals looks awesome with the dress, just wait and see!!
Time to take a quick shower, Im excited for tomorrow - only two more days and it's weekend!!!
Goodnight and sleep tight,